SecureIIS Web Server Protection トラブル続出 "Could not Arm SecureIIS Module" 2005.10.25

    この SecureIIS Web Server Protection をインストすると IIS の設定を勝手にいじられてしまい、トラブルが起きる。

    ■ Site Security が有効にならない!? --
    Could not Arm SecureIIS Module
    で、"Could not Arm SecureIIS Module"の情報がないかとネットを検索してみたところ、こんな書き込みがあり SecureIIS v2.04 は Windows 2003 をサポートしてない

      Sorry, but SecureIIS v2.04 is not supported under Windows 2003.
      Also, we do not offer support services for the Free Edition of SecureIIS at this time.
      I would recommend that you contact sales ( and request a full-featured evaluation, or install the Free Edition on Windows 2000.

      Thank you

      eEye Digital Security Support


    結局、Could not Arm SecureIIS Module のメッセージが返され、有効にならない !


    • Windows NT 4.0, IIS 4.0 and Service Pack 6
    • Windows 2000, IIS 5.0 and Service Pack 1 or greater
    • Windows 2003, IIS 6.0 (Isolation Mode)
    • IIS Proxy Server is not supported
    Note: Personal Edition not supported on IIS 6.0 IIS6.0がメインになりつつあり、これでは評価できねぇべぇ・・・

    他方、SecureIIS Data Sheet (pdf)を見てみると 、
      Windows NT 4.0, IIS 4.0 and Service Pack 6; or
      Windows 2000, IIS 5.0 and Service Pack 1 or greater; or
      Windows 2003, IIS 6.0 and Service Pack 1 or greater

    となっていて、どうやらこの pdf 版のデータシートの方が Windows 2003 SP1 と書かれており、新しいようにも思えるが・・・・??



    ■ 使い物にならず、アンインストールしてもトラブル続出!!!
    @ Movable Type の index.html にアクセスできなくなった と が開けなくなった。

    The specified procedure could not be found.



    A ブログのカウンターが動かなくなった。
    原因は blog のなかの cgi-bin の設定( Scripts and Executables → None )に変更されていた。


    その後で分かったことだが、SecureIIS Web Server Protection の設定が削除されずに残っていて、しかも「許可」されていた。すぐに「禁止」にしたがそれだけでは問題はなに一つ解消されなかった。こんな表面てきなことではなさそうである。

    Web Service Extensions を削除できない問題についてから引用させてもらった。

    There are a few of ways to work-around this:

    1. Manually edit metabase.xml to remove the Web Service Extension
    2. Manually edit metabase.xml to change the Web Service Extension to be deletable, then run iisext.vbs to delete it
    3. Change iisext.vbs to delete "read-only" Web Service Extensions

    Whichever option?you choose depends on what you are comfortable with. I personally prefer #3 because it is the least invasive, and I do not encourage manual editing of metabase.xml. XML is finicky in format so more things can go wrong than right.

    Modification of metabase.xml by Removal

    2. Open %windir%\System32\inetsrv\metabase.xml with an editor like notepad (if on 64bit machine, make sure to do this with a 64bit editor because 32bit editor will be restricted from accessing the System32 directory under which metabase.xml resides)?
    3. Search for the word "WebSvcExtRestrictionList" (sans the quotes)
    4. Look through the list of items and locate the Web Service Extension you want to delete and remove that entire line. Be careful if it happens to be the first or last item on the list - you must preserve?the leading/trailing quotes of the WebSvcExtRestrictionList attribute
    5. NET START W3SVC (and restart any other services that stopped with NET STOP IISADMIN /Y)

      Yes, I know there is Edit While Running that simplifies the first and last steps, but I do not like turning on more product features to perform product work-arounds. Remember you are trying to work-around something, so you want less, not more code of that "something" (in this case IIS) running. You can make your own judgement.

    Modification of metabase.xml by Changing

    2. Open %windir%\System32\inetsrv\metabase.xml with an editor like notepad (if on 64bit machine, make sure to do this with a 64bit editor because 32bit editor will be restricted from accessing the System32 directory under which metabase.xml resides)
    3. Search for the word "WebSvcExtRestrictionList" (sans the quotes)
    4. Look through the list of items and locate the Web Service Extension you want to delete and change its "0" to a "1". For example, suppose I want to change ASP to be deletable. I would change the following:
      1,C:\WINDOWS\System32\inetsrv\asp.dll,0,ASP,Active Server Pages
      1,C:\WINDOWS\System32\inetsrv\asp.dll,1,ASP,Active Server Pages
    5. NET START W3SVC (and restart any other services that stopped with NET STOP IISADMIN /Y)

      Yes, I know there is Edit While Running that simplifies the first and last steps, but I do not like turning on more product features to perform product work-arounds. Remember you are trying to work-around something, so you want less, not more code of that "something" (in this case IIS) running. You can make your own judgement.
    6. Now run your iisext.vbs /RmFile command and it should succeed.

    Modification of iisext.vbs

    1. You should search for the following block of code in %windir%\System32\iisext.vbs:
      For i=0 to UBOUND(restrictions)
          If UCASE(restrictions(i).FilePath) = UCASE(strAppName) Then
              If restrictions(i).Deletable = 1 Then
                  WebSvcObj.DeleteExtensionFileRecord strAppName
                  bDel = True
              End If
          End If
    2. And change it to this (note the single-quote added at the beginning of those two lines):
      For i=0 to UBOUND(restrictions)
          If UCASE(restrictions(i).FilePath) = UCASE(strAppName) Then
              'If restrictions(i).Deletable = 1 Then
                  WebSvcObj.DeleteExtensionFileRecord strAppName
                  bDel = True
              'End If
          End If
    3. All you did is change the script to delete the Web Service Extension regardless if it is "read only" or not. This should allow you to subsequently run your iisext.vbs /RmFile command to do what you wanted.
    それにしても SecureIIS Web Server Protection というソフトは要注意である。

    ホームへ     もくじ    The system cannot find the path specified IIS6.0が壊れた

inserted by FC2 system